Kartik 21.08: a big update to online features

Kartik 21.08 just released on the stable branch, which means all users will get its features!

For this version of Kartik, which is the second major update since the game released, we also decided to separate the code in two (which is called "branching" in development), which means we have the 21.08 codebase on one end, and the 21.09 codebase on another end. We accidently pushed a feature that was expected to release for 21.09 to the 21.08 codebase.

So here is a tiny peak at what's new in Kartik 21.08:

  • We added a new Kartik Online system! If you have an account on Minteck Hub, you can now use it to play online on Kartik.
  • While being logged into the new online mode, you can gain experience levels. They currently have not more functionnality than making you flex on your level, but it is possible that they might unlock features as you progress.
  • Your statistics (and probably your settings in the future) are synced across all computers you are signed in on Minteck Hub. So you can safely play on one machine, and continue on another
  • An all-new loading screen has been introduced. It is cleaner and simpler, and completely ditches the older loading screen.

A beta version of what will eventually become Kartik 21.09 will be branched (it will be available to EAP users) in early September; this version is expected to release by the end of September and will be the last major version of Kartik. Read this article on Minteck's blog for more details.

Have fun with this new release!

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